Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Follow me on Twitter! (VirginiaCorbett)

Mention this offer when enrolling for my class, and you will receive a 10% discount on my Couples Class this Friday night at Blooma!!

Did I mention there's wine included in this 90 minute class? Comment here if you have strong feelings one way or another about a dance you would/wou;dn't like to learn.

See you then!

Couple's Date Night Dance Class
Blooma 3919 44th Ave So Edina
Friday, Sept 25, 7:30 - 9:00
regularly $45 / couple PLUS FREE WINE!

Go to www.blooma.com and find me on the Workshops Tab
call and enroll at 952-848-1111

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Enrollment Form

I am working on getting an online registration system. In the meantime:

If you would like to enroll in a Baby Ballroom class, please email me at virginia.corbett@gmail.com.
I will send you an enrollment form for you to send in along with your payment.

If you are enrolling within five business days of the first class, please email me at virginia.corbett@gmail.com and let me know you're coming. You can bring your completed form and payment with you to the first day of class.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Baby Ballroom at Barbi Lee Dance Studio Winter 2009

Come Monday mornings with your newborn to 2 1/2 year old and learn the fundamentals and basic steps of ballroom dance. Your child will love the songs, games and parachute play!

Where: Barbi Lee Dance Arts Studio
7035 Cahill in Edina MN

When: Mondays, November 2 - December 7
10:30 - 11:30am

Please Click "ENROLLMENT FORM" for registration instructions.

Baby Ballroom is a class for children newborn to 2 1/2 and their caregivers (parents, grandparents, nannies, aunties, uncles...).

We focus on the children while singing songs, moving like animals and playing with our huge parachute. And while the music is playing, their grownup is learning the fundamentals and basic steps of Ballroom Dance!

Each session will have a different combination of

Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango, Cha Cha, Rumba, Salsa and Swing.